
Sunday, August 11, 2019

Money machine

1. Imagine that you have a little magic box which prints valid money.
2. The reason why the money is valid is because you are the only one who can print it.
3. Also you are the only one who has the authority to stop any forger- who by the way is characterized as such just because he made his own money machine.
4. You can lend now this money to other people- who otherwise won’t have any.
5. Thus you control the whole financial system.
6. Additionally you charge some commission- let’s say for operational costs- so that anyone else pays some interest to you so that he can have some money.
7. Therefore you can sustain yourself thanks to the commissions you charge- without having to work at all.
8. But all the other people on the planet- with the exception perhaps of a bunch of employees, executives, policemen and judges whom you hire- will have to work- and also pay the interest- in order to acquire some of the money you print.
9. Thus you have invented the perfect plan to build up a modern and globalized monetary society for all the people- in fact the same society which we live in.
10. Now one might say that there is nothing wrong or suspicious about such a system.
11. However the money machine has been built and it is operating without your own participation or consent- while you will be arrested if you print your own money, allegedly for causing inflation.
12. Therefore fundamentally you live in a society whose financial status, and consequently all other social processes, you don’t control.
13. In the old times, in the first primitive societies, when products were exchanged instead of money, then farms and cattle, as well as trade and political or religious processes, were controlled by a handful of landowners or aristocrats, priests and kings, who arbitrarily, either by authority, divine power or by means of warfare, imposed their control and used the common people as servants or slaves, in order to make a profit for themselves.
14. So how much different is the contemporary society in which you work all day just to make some money (instead of being paid into cattle for example), and when at the same time you are unable to raise that money (or cattle) on your own?
15. You might say that he who owns the money machine is a wicked and authoritarian person. But you shouldn’t blame him- if your only ambition has been to take his place…

16. When you sign a pact with the devil then sooner or later you will have to pay your due...

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