
Sunday, August 11, 2019

Away from the pack

1. Here the terms ‘pack’ or ‘flock’ are used interchangeably. They refer to any group of people or animals, insects or plants; fundamentally it is a ‘package’ of beings or things.

2. An aspect of the pack is that its members show a common behavior which they wouldn’t otherwise show. Separate football fans who turn into a group of hooligans is such an example.

3. Complementary to the previous aggressive behavior is a passive stance. A flock of sheep for example shows a completely passive behavior.

4. Both groups however, either a pack of wolves or a flock of sheep, have a common aspect: They seem to be unaware of the consequences of their actions or stance. For example, while the wolves or hooligans do not seem to care if they are shot or arrested respectively, the sheep seem to be unaware that eventually they will be slaughtered.

5. But is there a chance that they know, even instinctively, although they are unable to act otherwise?

6. Such a compulsive and irresistible behavior is in fact an aspect of the pack. While a separate person has a sense of freedom and independency, when the same person enters the pack it loses such a sense and becomes indifferent.

7. We human beings have a strong need to belong somewhere or to somebody. In younger ages it is easy to join gangs or find relationships which cause us more harm than good.

8. In fact such submissive attitude can follow us for the rest of our lives, making us feel incompetent or unsatisfied with anything we do.

9. Most often we may not even recognize the deeper cause of our problem- our deepest and irresistible need to belong- treating thus with hostility other people who belong to different ‘packs’ or groups, or who just want to be free and independent.

10. Is therefore any way we can stay away from the pack, or at least defend our position within the pack?

11. I believe that saying that we belong to some group- any group, either religious, political or social- and that at the same time we are free to do what we want or think what we like, is just an illusion.

12. History has shown that whenever people are gathered into large groups- either ‘packs’ or ‘flocks’- violence will occur sooner or later. It is exactly the fact that we hide ourselves behind the same group, exempting thus ourselves from any responsibility for other peoples’ actions.

13. But it is such subornation what makes us feel deep inside guilty and unworthy for the rest of our lives.

14. Is there a chance that we stay away from the pack and survive, feeling proud and worthy of our sense of freedom and independence, or is it a matter of time before one pack or another demands our consent and absorbs us?

15. I treat myself as a free and independent person, staying away from political or religious groups, consistently avoiding receptions or even parties. Am I feeling sad or rejected? Not at all since this was my own choice. Am I feeling special or privileged because I could act so? Neither.

16. I just feel both the urge and the curiosity to move along, as cautious and responsible for my own actions as possible.

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