
Sunday, December 15, 2019


1. Paying too much attention to detail you lose the meaning of the journey.
2. Take for example when you are out walking or jogging.
3. You have to focus and make an effort, especially when you get tired and your legs begin to hurt.
4. Other people of your age performing better will encourage you.
5. But most people don’t pay attention to what they are doing, chattering with others, watching their watches all the time.
6. These people are annoying because they distract you.
7. Although you may always find someone better and more focused than you
8. It usually takes just one stupid person to ruin everything.
9. Still you have to keep on walking or jogging.
10. Even if your goal is to improve your time or physical condition
11. Finally you will reach an age when self- preservation is all that matters.
12. At that moment you stop pushing yourself too hard or watching your watch all the time.
13. Then you ask yourself: “What have I really seen up till now?”
14. And you try to live each moment of your life as if tomorrow you’d be dead.
15. This is a condition which will keep you vigilant and healthy for today.

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