
Saturday, August 3, 2019

Still life fast moving

  1. Is there any meaning saying something nobody understands? Saying anything perhaps...
  2. Perhaps if it is expressed as ambiguously as possible: Can you drag the tablecloth fast enough so that you don’t drop anything from the table?
  3. Then each person may give a different meaning to the saying- it could be possible if the things instead of lying on the table were floating in the air.
  4. We could even accept the statement as an eternal truth per se. For example if we believe without questioning that God exists then we may also claim that an apple can fly.
  5. The same can be true for a surrealistic painting or more generally for any kind of picture we have in mind.
  6. Is there any still life different from dead nature? Is there any true motion of things when we watch them moving?
  7. Watching a picture while having breakfast by the sea-side… Is there any food on the table? Is there any table? Does the sea move? Do we listen to the waves? Do we see our hands move? Do we feel the air or hear our thoughts blowing?
  8. In fact all impressions are suspended animations of things which we take for granted that they used to exist or move. 
  9. Therefore on second thought we realize that motion is impossible- a restless swallow in our mind is suspended in mid-air.
  10. Has it ever been able to fly or is the passage of time an illusion created by our own mind as a consequence of an involuntary action?
  11. It seems that what we call reality is nothing else but a collection of objects which we have made use of and become familiar with.
  12. But even if those things can be different for each of us, we tend to agree on the essentials- that all things must be made of the same constituents- subatomic particles or perhaps vectors similar to the horn of rhinos.
  13. One way or the other all those fundamental constituents of matter- which are assumed to be countless and omnipresent- are intangible.
  14. They are indivisible and indestructible, they are born spontaneously out of nothing and they compose a solid picture of the world around us in our mind.
  15. And- as the basic ingredients of our whole experience- they make our lives stand still while moving fast.

Painting: Salvador Dali, Still life fast moving

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