
Friday, August 9, 2019

Nothing is (worth) something

A)    About nothing

1.      Somebody asks us:

-          What is wrong?

2.      And we reply:

-          Nothing.

B)    But how many things lie behind this indefinite ‘nothing?’

3.  How many times haven’t we caught ourselves sitting in our room, watching something on TV or on the computer, or simply starring at the walls, feeling bored and having nothing to do?

4.      Perhaps 90% of our life consists of such useless time, which passes by leaving us ashtray, feeling that our life is going away without meaning.

C)    Idleness is the root of all evil…

5.   Is it our own laziness the deeper cause of such inactivity? Is it the strange force of inertia, which governs our souls as well as all the matter in the universe?

6.      Or perhaps is there a certain thing lying behind our inability to act?

7.   I remember once I was so paralyzed by some strange feeling that I couldn’t even move…

8.   What is this kind of nothingness, which gets so thick and dominating deep inside that paralyses all our actions and thoughts?

9.      Is there an unconscious fear behind our unwillingness to do something, the nature of which we are unaware of?

D)    If nothing is finally something…

10.  I believe that this ‘nothing’ we reply when we ask ourselves what is wrong with us is definitely ‘something,’ or even a bunch of things, which have gathered in our mind, probably undesirable, and which overcome our will to act.

11.  Bad memories, obligations which we would like to avoid- if we think about it there can’t be anything which we wouldn’t like to do at any moment.

12.  So why don’t we just put such bad thoughts aside? But first we have to focus on that ‘nothing’ which haunts us, realize what it really is, and deal with it.

E)     If you can’t avoid something then try to enjoy it…

13.  But even if, and this would be in some extreme case, we have already solved all our problems, or at least the basic ones, could we still feel that there is nothing to do?

14. If we did find all the answers to the greatest and most profound problems about the nature of the universe and the meaning and purpose of life, what would be then left for us to do?

F)     Thus I wonder… 

15.  What’s the problem?

16.  Nothing?…

17.  But if nothing is the problem, there must be something still…

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