
Friday, August 2, 2019

Lobster telephone

1.      What’s the relationship between a lobster and a telephone?
2.      Do they both ring?
3.      Do they both bite?
4.      Are they both dead or are they both alive?
5.      Here we are faced with an impossible object
6.      An object which consists of incompatible parts
7.      A lobster cannot be served on a telephone
8.      While a lobster cannot answer the telephone
9.      But does the lobster make the telephone look alive?
10.  Does it make it more probable that we hear it ring?
11.  Or perhaps that the telephone seems more tasty?
12.  In fact such an object should not exist
13.  But how come it does exist?
14.  How come a lobster telephone makes an impression?
15.  Is it the artistic aspect which the artist has achieved?

Image: Lobster Telephone, Salvador Dali

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